She has a dream.
You could help her realise it.
Ashwini Charitable Trust (ACT) educates and empowers underprivileged children from urban slums in Bangalore and supports them till they are gainfully employed.
In Bangalore, nearly one million people live in slums, and about one third of slum dwellers fall below the poverty line. Most children are first generation literates. Poor quality of education in government schools and rising school fees year after year have led to steep dropouts at primary and secondary levels.
Every child goes through an all-round development programme at our learning centers to enrich their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing while furthering their education. We make this impact this through 8 key areas of intervention.
Ready to take the next step?
This is a movement of billions. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our governments to change, we need you on our team.
Volunteer speak
It’s really amazing to know that the kids who are not so privileged have so much talent to offer. It’s nice working with them and at ACT I can see how they are loved and provided opportunities to grow. I just hope that with each passing day each and every kid is filled with more and more light.
— Harini
This is an awesome mission I must say giving a life and education to children is the most beautiful gift to humanity. I had an amazing time here at ACT. I hope to come back. All the best to all future endeavours.
— Janet Mascarenhas
I feel at ACT we empower the children in a true sense. It feels great to put the stones for 'the next step' for these lovely kids. I am sharing this because all the volunteers of ACT who put in hours with these children contribute in a big way to make the children more confident in facing the world.
— Madhulika Dhindaw

There is a child in every adult, is the aphorism, but I believe it is the other way around, that is there is an adult in every child!
— Arvind Shroff
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