A word from our secretary & trustee
Radhika Arvindam - Secretary, Trustee
There are many good reasons that I choose to be a part of ACT. One of the most important reasons is the contribution I am able to make to society. This is the best way to engage with people who need our help in our community I have worked with many different people who are a part of ACT; passionate people who are dedicated to ACT and motivate me to work harder. My reasons are largely selfish, which might ound surprising. It was the chance to give something back, share my skills, learn new skills, share my knowledge and gain new experiences.
I got the opportunity to wear different hats and make a difference. No matter what, you will have the chance to see the impact your work is making. It is an incredibly humbling feeling to see the people you are truly working for on an everyday basis. I got to be treated with a lot of respect. I met some really wonderful people who inspired me to push my limits. They taught me to think about society first and myself later. In a way, working in ACT has not only taught me about the various challenges in the society but it is also helping me improve myself as a person every single day. I find a lot of happiness doing my bit for society. I have enjoyed working in this sector, but that maybe because I have had the opportunity to make some changes in the lives of the underprivileged. I must say, giving a life and education to children is one pf the greatest gifts to humanity. When I think about the journey so far, it’s been nothing less than a blessing. Each person taught me something valuable and I felt empowered to make the change.