Our Vision and Mission
To educate and empower underprivileged children and support them till they are gainfully employed. To do our best so that the current generation of underprivileged children living below the poverty line integrate seamlessly into mainstream society. To impart quality education, and all-round development, including skill building, in order to provide avenues for employment that are suited to every child’s dominant intelligence and strengths.
Why do we exist?
In Bangalore, nearly one million people live in slums, and about one third of slum dwellers fall below the poverty line. Most children are first generation literates. Poor quality of education in government schools and rising school fees year after year have led to steep dropouts at primary and secondary levels. The average education of parents is up to grade 5 (tamil or kannada Medium). Their average monthly income is below Rs.10,000 per month. The Teacher-student ratio is 1 : 30 in government schools.
Who are the beneficiaries?
Children from lower income families whose parents work as house maids, painters, tailors or daily wage earners. More than often, they have 3-4 siblings with the parents struggling to educate at least one or two of them. 90% of the children are first generation literates. In the event of a financial crises in the family the children are pulled out of school to do proxy work for their parents. This is worse for the girl child whose education stops abruptly when she attains puberty. Fee hikes in higher classes add to the woes of the parents. ACT assesses each child and family and steps in to ensure that the child’s education is guaranteed.